XBL Component Tree: 2019-02-15

About this data:

Highlights: clear | method | field | property | handler | content | children | constructor | destructor | implements | display | resources | role
basecontrol (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
popup (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
  • places-popup-base (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
  • autocomplete-rich-result-popup (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bugWill be removed by QuantumBar
    • browser-search-autocomplete-result-popup (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
    • urlbar-rich-result-popup (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bugWill be removed by QuantumBar
label-control (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
panel (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
text-link (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
textbox (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
  • urlbar (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
  • autocomplete (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
    • searchbar-textbox (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
    • legacy-urlbar (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bugWill be removed by QuantumBar
  • search-textbox (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
  • textarea (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
wizardpage (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
wizard-header (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
wizard-buttons (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
softblockedaddon (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
download-progress (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bugWill be removed by new about:addons
creator-link (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bugWill be removed by new about:addons
install-status (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bugWill be removed by new about:addons
detail-row (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bugWill be removed by new about:addons
hardblockedaddon (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
dialog (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
wizard (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bug)
rating (source)(converted to JS) (m-c search) (bugWill be removed by new about:addons